J.R.M. Moran
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Christian and the Headmasters Secret©
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Christian, an intelligent and handsome boy, lives with his mother (Katy) and stepfather in an ordinary town in western U.S. No sooner does he finish sixth grade at his local school when he receives an invitation to attend a magical, six-year boarding school, the Bishop School of Witchcraft.  On the bus ride to school he meets two girl witches, Gwenevere Torres and Penelope Humblot, who become his close friends. Over his first year at the school, Christian becomes acclimated to the magical curriculum, his life as a witch, and the enjoyment of having two very good friends. His first night at the school, he personally meets and connects with the school’s assistant headmaster, Abraham Jonathan Brown, who becomes a mentor and father figure for Christian. However, Christian also discovers that the school’s headmaster is having secret meetings that will have impacts at the school and throughout the witching society … and so, the adventure begins.